anjar, lebanon câu
Đối với trình điều khiển của rượu ở Lebanon cấm. Hơn 416 nghìn người tị nạn Syria đã chạy đến Lebanon Tasnim, 16 tuổi, người Syria, sống...

airports in lebanon
Restrictions on carrying large electronic devices in the aircraft cabin, introduced as part of these measures, have now been lifted for...

ancient lebanon
Archaeology, however, has shown this word to be Aramaic in origin, a Semitic language, widely used to the North of ancient Israel and i...

architecture of lebanon
Ancient Architecture of LebanonCựu công trình xây dựng Liban

districts of lebanon
Districts of LebanonQuận Lebanon

environment of lebanon
Ministry of Environment of LebanonBộ trưởng Môi trường Liban Environment of LebanonMôi trường Liban Environment of Lebanon •Môi trườn...

expatriates in lebanon
English expatriates in LebanonEnglish Translators ở Lebanon

flag of lebanon
What tree appears on the flag of Lebanon?Loài cây nào xuất hiện trên lá cờ ASEAN?

forests of lebanon
17 You have cut down the forests of Lebanon; now you will be cut down.17 Vì ngươi hủy phá rừng Li-ban, ngươi sẽ bị hủy phá; 17You have...

government of lebanon
The importance of full control of Lebanon by the government of Lebanon (OP3)Dành quyền kiểm soát Liban cho chính phủ Liban (OP3)[1] On...

greater lebanon
1.1 Prime Ministers of the Greater Lebanon (Part of the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon) (1926–1943)2.1 Nhà nước Đại Liban, thuộc Ủ...

history of lebanon
Directory : History of LebanonBản mẫu:Lịch sử Liban Directory : History of LebanonBản mẫu:Lịch sử Liban Labels: History of LebanonBản...

infrastructure in lebanon
Israeli special forces could also make operations aimed at eliminating top Hezbollah members and destroying the movement’s infrastructu...

mount lebanon
Mount Lebanon is mentioned in the Old Testament several times.Núi Tabor nhiều lần được nhắc đến trong Cựu Ước. It's a good time to buy...

parliament of lebanon
The Parliament of Lebanon, There are 128 members elected to a four-year terms in multi-member constituencies, apportioned among Lebanon...

politics of lebanon
Collection: Politics of LebanonBản mẫu:Chính trị Liban In the past few years, Saudi Arabia has led an intervention in Yemen’s civil wa...

president of lebanon
Ex-army commander Michel Aoun has been sworn in as the new president of Lebanon.Cựu chỉ huy quân đội Michel Aoun được bầu làm Tổng thốn...

presidents of lebanon
List of Presidents of LebanonBản mẫu:Presidents of Lebanon This is a list of presidents of Lebanon since the creation of the office in...

terrorism in lebanon
Lawmakers have also raised concerns that the money has been used to fund terrorism in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq.Các nhà lập pháp ...

women in lebanon
Syrian refugee women in Lebanon win international prizePhụ nữ tị nạn Syria tại Libăng giành giải thưởng quốc tế Syrian refugee women i...

2006 lebanon war
International reactions to the 2006 Lebanon War 2006 Israel–Gaza conflict 2006 Lebanon War HezbollahIsrael không kích Hezbollah chiến t...

20th century in lebanon
20th century in LebanonThế kỷ 20 ở Liban

catholic church in lebanon
From Bkerke, the patriarchal seat of the Maronite Catholic Church in Lebanon, Cardinal Bechara Rai condemned “all kinds of wars, persec...

cities and towns in lebanon
Map List of cities and towns in LebanonDanh sách các thành phố và thị trấn ở Liban List of cities and towns in LebanonDanh sách các th...

french mandate for syria and the lebanon
Michael George Ansara was born in a small village in the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon to American parents, and his family e...